June, part I

In early June I took Ains to the hospital on a Saturday for a blood draw that her Mayo doctor requested to monitor her iron levels. Thankfully our new masks arrived in time! I was very thankful because we were there in the lobby for almost 2 hours. Ainsley’s count was lower so we started her on iron supplements again.

Ains felt like she looked like RBG!

We attended a wedding virtually, it was so beautiful and they are an amazing couple!

Our friends moved to Austin in June, we went to a goodbye swimming party with them. It was with two families and was outdoors at the pool so we felt safe going and it was SO nice to see other people!! Ainsley wanted to join the country club after the party....I told her she could when she gets a job and then invite us to join her!!

Had to run to campus to pick up postcards for a new student initiative!

I learned how to French braid...still a work in progress but Ains loves it!


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