Disney travel day!

We had a 5 am flight out of Austin! 

So thankful we were all feeling great and for friends and neighbors who are helping with our home while we are gone.

Ready to go at 3 am :)!

Ains still holds my hand on take offs, she does this to show encouragement since I’m a nervous flyer. She does this every time with out saying a word.

We got to witness the sun rise today! So beautiful!!
Ains fell asleep on her tray table and missed her Diet Coke!

Quick layover in Atlanta and then on to Orlando!

Ryan’s parents drove from IL and met us at the hotel!

Tonight we walked around Disney Springs and had dinner there!

Ainsley was so excited to see her Grammie & Papa!

We ate at the House of Blues! So good!

They still had their tree exhibit up! It was beautiful!

And fake snow!

Special memories!


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