Playing catch up

I'm a bit behind on the blogging :). Last Thursday Ains and I flew back to TX! They have a fun playground in the airport.
They had real airplane seats so I was Ainsley's passenger.
It took all of 5 min for Ains to make a friend and to tell this new friend that they were getting married!! I explained to both of them that they could not get married until they were much older and the sweet little boy said "yeah, I'm only 6"!
Fun drawing time!
New birthday boots from Papa Bob.
Guess who was right in front of Ainsley on the plane?!? Her future husband-ha! Ainsley talked his ear off!
Until her Diet Dr Pepper arrived!
Ryan picked us up at the airport and we had a fun family dinner!

Ains loves to put salt on her chips.

Green "disgust" donut as Ains calls it.
Only 2 more days until our girl turns 5! Ryan and I can't believe we have a 5 year old!!


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