Enjoy the holidays...

As anyone who knows me well, when we get concerning news about Ainsley's health I dive in and do all that I can until I can try to figure out a plan.  We were stunned last Thursday when Ainsley's hearing test showed a greater loss.  Ryan and I both thought her declining hearing in September was due to fluid and we thought the new tubes would resolve that issue.  When it didn't and we confirmed with a sedated hearing test that her mild high frequency loss had moved to a mild/moderate loss across the board we were exhausted about the road ahead.  Will the loss continue to get worse?  How fast will it progress?  What is causing this?  Should we start back up with learning sign?   

As a parent you want to do something.  They were going to wait until December to reprogram her hearing aids and I thought I can do something about that.  So yesterday afternoon Linda and I drove to Temple and picked up her results so her Baylor audiologist could get them reprogrammed for Ainsley.  What was a smooth process at our Iowa hospital takes a little more work here since we are still learning the medical process in TX.  I was beyond frustrated yesterday and called my dad.  He sent me an email later that evening with some good advice.  He recommened to get the hearing aids reprogrammed and then take a break, enjoy the holidays and Disney (we are going back in January).  Sometimes as a parent of a child with concerns you need to be given permission to enjoy life with them and not try to fix everything 100% of the time.  So our new plan is to get her hearing aids reprogrammed and enjoy each day.  I did email her former ENT in Iowa  last week and he mentioned he was going to discuss her case at their weekly hearing team meeting to help us to determine what the underlying cause might be.  So I think I will leave that to the experts and stop googling things and enjoy life with our sweet and spunky girl!


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