New shoes

Monday we took Ainsley to the university hospital to pick up her new shoes and inserts!
We had a lot of time to wait while they added additional supports to the arch insert. 
Ainsley practiced her fist bump with her dad...
Walked the hallways.

Ainsley and I were both wearing yellow on Monday!
A little reading with dad!
The finished product--special new balance shoes and inserts.   We have seen a great boost in Ainsley's confidence with walking and even running!  The inserts help to keep her from rolling her feet inward, so she feels more balanced.  I am SO happy with how she is adjusting to these.  She starts physical therapy on Friday morning--so she'll be running circles around us in no time!
This has been the week of appointments...Ainsley worked with her deaf and hard of hearing teacher this afternoon.  She sees Miss Kim every other week.  Today they worked on matching and sounds.  You can't see it very well in this picture because her hair is covering it, but little miss has her hearing aid in--which is a HUGE relief!  She's kept it in for 3 days straight, which is a huge step since she was handing us her hearing aid when we got to school in the morning after she pulled it out of her ear!  We are learning Ainsley is stubborn as all get out!  If she doesn't want to do something, she will let us know!  

Ainsley had fun today with Miss Kim!  Normally Ryan and I switch weeks to meet with Ainsley and Miss Kim since we need to miss work to make it to the appointment.  This week was my week!  I love spending some time with Ainsley at her school and seeing her learn.

Ainsley normally hangs in there for about 30-40 minutes with activities and then she's ready to play and eat since we have this appointment at the end of the day!
Tonight Ryan got out the sprinkler to water the lawn...little miss had to try it out too!
She had the best time!  She just lights up when she is having fun!
Summer time fun!


Angie said…
Yay!! I am so glad she got her new shoes and inserts! They look really cute! I LOVE that sprinkler picture. It's adorable. I will be printing that one out today.
Talk to you soon
Darci said…
Love the sprinkler pictures...looks like she just loves it!

Glad she got some new shoes...and they are cute too!!

PS Love that you both have yellow on, so cute! :)

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