Lights, camera, action!

Little miss is loving life these days--happy as can be now that she is sleeping better!  We had a doctors appointment on Monday and we shared Ainsley has been waking up at 3 and 4 am almost every morning.  The doctor recommended that we put A to bed earlier because she may be overly tired and need more sleep.  Sure enough!  We now put her to bed around 7:30 am and that =one happy Ainsley (and parents who get more than 5 hours of sleep :)!
Today little miss was in an Orientation video that they are going to use this summer.  It was a really cute concept, so I can't wait to see the finished product!  Here is Ainsley enjoying a snack before the video shoot!
We waited inside until they were ready for Ainsley because it was SO hot today!
All done with the video shoot, I didn't take any pictures during because both Ryan and I were trying to get Ainsley to walk to the camera and wave--she was in her own world and having fun!
After we celebrated with ice cream!  Ainsley was SO hot we got her own ice cream cone.  At first she didn't know what to do with it, but she caught on quick!  We didn't think this through too well, because when she couldn't lick the ice cream cone anymore she started using her hand to scoop out the ice cream and she went crazy when I tried to take it we just let her go with it and have fun!
All done!  Ryan and I spent our night scrubbing out her car seat :)!  Ainsley had a fun day today!


Darci said…
Hi! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner link up today! I'm also from IA and have a little girl! Ainsley is adorable and that big smile is infectious!!
Kirstin said…
Hello...I too found you through Kelly's Korner! Your daughter is too cute for words!!

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