Live it up!

Our little miss has been through a lot these past two weeks--so we thought we should live it up this weekend!  What does that look like for the Cohenour family...??...a trip to the mall of course!  Ainsley LOVED the horses!  The first few circles she was scared, and once she became comfortable she was giggling and laughing!
She also loves the Bob the Builder ride!

We made a trip to Target and Ainsley was ALL over the place having fun!
Ainsley had strawberries for the first time today and she LOVED them!
Tonight Ryan and I asked Ainsley's favorite babysitter, Lauren, to come over so we could go out to dinner to celebrate.  Ainsley was practically pushing us out of the door because she loves hanging out with Lauren!  We went to a great new restaurant and the mall! I can't remember the last time I shopped and wasn't in a rush--it was so nice to look for bargains!  Ryan's parents sent some anniversary money for us to go out--so a big thanks to Larry & Linda for a fun night out! 
After we ate dinner, we tried to get a quick picture--but it was so dark outside Ryan could barely see because of the bright flash :)!  Have a great weekend!


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