Its beginning to look a lot like......Christmas

Last night, Ryan and I went to the mall to pick up a Christmas gift for his dad--grabbed some dinner and then headed home since he was on duty and needed to be close to campus in case he got a call. I wrapped Christmas presents and goodies last night. Today we are taking it easy and didn't go to church because we both got little sleep---since Ryan got some late night calls last night.

I made these monogram ornaments for co-workers this year instead of making sweet treats--we have so much food around the office at this time of year, so hopefully they will like this gift! I had so much fun making these I might make some more today!

I made these goodie bags for Ryan's RAs as a good luck on finals!!

On Thursday, we are having a white elephant gift exchange at work! Should be fun--my co-workers are known for passing around some funny gifts--I always try to look for something around the house that I think people would use/enjoy.

Today's GOD GEM: From Crazy Love by Francis Chan. "If life were stable, I'd never need God's help. Since it's not, I reach out for Him regularly. I am thankful for the unknowns and that I don't have control, because it makes me run to God".


Janna said…
Your ornaments and treat bags are adorable!

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