I’m back!

Wow! It has been a year since I’ve blogged!! I’ve been a little busy with work, 2-3 classes per semester on my doctorate, and a full family life! I started blogging for Ainsley’s baby book so I want to commit to blogging 2-3 times a month to keep up! 

Right before the Coronavirus hit in TX Ryan help to lead a spring break trip to the DR to build a home with Casas Por Cristo and our amazing First Gen students! He flew back after a week and we had to quarantine for 2 weeks.

While Ryan was in the DR in March I worked and Ains was my helper! We got her thyroid ultrasound done.

Ains asked for a little coffee while she waited...she didn’t really liked the taste!

The last restaurant we ate in before shelter in place!

Ryan and I were both working from home when our university moved to on line learning. The first few weeks was exhausting on so many levels.

Buddy has loved having us home!

Quarantine has taught us a lot. We’ve learned to be thankful for things we took for granted like enjoying meals together.

We’ve had more time to read!

Oh my! 

Ains would always get dressed up for her Zoom calls with her class.


Online learning! Not A’s favorite but she diligently worked on her school work each day.

We celebrate Easter at home, we watched church on line, had breakfast and took a big walk!

This time has been tough but I’m thankful for lots of time with this sweet girl!

April was a bit of a blur. Our shelter in place for pushed back multiple times, we worked 50+ hours each week, and I wrapped up 2 doctoral classes online. April 2nd marked the 10th year since we lost mom.

Thankful for this girl!! 

Ryan bought a bags set to play with Ains!

We celebrated Ryan’s birthday in quarantine!

We finally cut Ryan’s hair.

Taco night!! Next up adventures in May! 


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