Life lately

Life lately has been SO full! I have never gone months without blogging-but between work and grad school and Ainsley’s school life has been fun and full lately!

I finished up 3 classes this semester, making steady progress on my journey to earning a doctorate. This has been a lifelong dream! It takes every ounce of energy and fitting it into the margins of life that are already full!

Thankfully this summer provides some breathing room and more time for the family! We’ve been taking lots of family walks lately :). 

I’m going to try to do highlights over the past several months and get caught up!

We’ve taking Ainsley’s favorite go cart on our nightly walks. Ryan and I walk and Ainsley races us!

This is what A chose to wear to her spring school pictures. She is all about the athletic look these days :)!

My office celebrated 2 years in March so we celebrated with a giant balloon and a party :)!

In March Ains and I traveled to MN for her Mayo appointments while Ryan went to the Dominican Republic for a missions trip with Baylor students. This was Ains saying goodbye to her daddy. 

We had to leave a day early due to a BIG snow storm in MN!

Traveling with Ains is an adventure! Even the elevator ride is fun!

Bookstore at the airport!

Ice cream time!

There were so many flights trying to get into MN Friday night ahead of the storm...that we had some holding patterns :). Thankful for a safe flight! More this week on our adventure!


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