Traveling to Iowa-part II

After the playground we went to the pumpkin patch!! 

They had a lot of fun new features!

This zip line was by far the favorite of Ainsley!

We went on a hayride! It was so chilly but fun!

For Ryan! He loves old trucks!

A pie pumpkin. Ainsley wanted to make a pumpkin pie for everyone who works at the hotel because “they work so hard”!

We stopped for hot chocolate next and ran into one of my former sweet colleagues!! What a fun surprise AND hot chocolate is free on Sundays at the location we went too. How kind is that! Gotta love Iowa! We then went to the mall where A had a mini melt down! She wanted to go to the Children’s Museum and I said no because it was closing soon. She said all of her joy left her heart...there were lots of tears. We went to Trader Joe’s and then checked into the hotel and she “got her joy back” after a snack :)!

Trader Joe’s run for water and some other goodies!

Dinner! You’ll notice Ainsley tore a hole in her pants today at the knee. She fell while at the playground and fell hard. She is a tough cookie! We got a new pair of black tights at Target tonight!

We ate at 50 Hop tonight! They had amazing salads!

And beautiful decor! Tomorrow we are going to stop by campus to see some friends and former colleagues and then off to appointments (audiology and occupational therapy eval)! Ainsley said tonight “my muscles don’t work good”. This came out when we were talking about her getting stuck in the airport bathroom today. Pray for her sweet spirit to not be discouraged. She also wants “normal” ears. God give her strength and a resilient spirit. 


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