Movies & Popsicles

We got a call at 4:30 pm on Wednesday from Ainsley's school saying that she had gotten sick.  I rushed out the door to get her and got a call from Ryan.  He had got to Ainsley's school within minutes because he was taking her to PT that day.  I went to the store and got her some sprite and her favorite "watermelon drink"--sparkling water with watermelon.  We got her home and comfy on the couch and kept her hydrated.  We thought she was going to be okay and maybe got overheated and then she got sick several other times that definitely a stomach bug. 

Ainsley feel asleep Wednesday at midnight and thankfully didn't get sick again.  Thursday she was tired and still not feeling good.  She just wanted to eat graham crackers and popsicles all day. 

After several movies and lots of rest she was feeling much better Friday!

Ainsebelle acting like Private from the Penguin movie!
Ainsley dressed herself for Friday! She was excited to get back to school and see her friends!


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