Food & Fun!

The students in my Career Leadership course chose to work with our local Crisis Center for their service project this semester.  Our local Crisis Center assists 800 families each and every week with food and baby item support.  My students wanted to raise awareness of this wonderful resource and stock their shelves!  Ainsley helped me shop for a few items to donate--we chose some of her favorites...diapers, baby food, canned fruit :)!
The class did an amazing job!  Here is Ainsley with one of my students, Nicole.  The students had to make two drop offs to the Crisis Center today and we went back tonight to help the students since they had SO much food.  Our car is FULL and ready to be unpacked tomorrow when they wrap up their food drive at noon! 
Ainsley was a BIG help today.  We had a fun mommy and daughter day out!
Ainsley got to try out her new umbrella today since it was raining all day! 
This picture is so funny--Ainsley was crossing her eyes to see her hat!  She picked this up at the mall the other day--she found it in the kids section and put it on like she owned it.  We added it to our cart--because she loved it so much!

After the food drive this morning, Ainsley and I went to the mall to get a spring plug in at Bath and Body and we also stopped by the indoor play place!
We also had to stop by the trains--this girl loves trains!
Ainsley is very into her babies these days.  She loves to put diapers on them, feed them, push them around in the stroller.  She also loves dresses.  I got her dressed after her nap this afternoon and ran into the other room for a couple of minutes and when I came back I found Ainsley like this--all dressed up!
Tonight we went back to the food drive to help, so we stopped by one of our favorite BBQ places since we were on the east side of town.  Ainsley is picky with what she is eating tonight--so she ate pickles, french fries and a cookie...tomorrow we'll try to add some veggies to that mix!


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