Fun Library

Ainsley's Physical Therapist let us know that the Center for Disability & Development (CDD) had some new items in their lending library!  She recommended a few things for Ainsley to work on--so Ryan and I stopped by this Friday and picked up three new toys for Ainsley to play with for the next 3 weeks.  I LOVE this idea--Ainsley thought it was Christmas Saturday morning :)!
I hid her bean bag frogs around the kitchen.  She had to work on bending over to pick them up.
I had her put them in a pink tote--they were heavy, which was a good balancing challenge for her!
More leg work--Ains loved this game!  
She also loved riding and pushing her tractor, more good leg workouts!  Funny story around the broom.  Ainsley LOVES to help me sweep and vaccume.  I keep the broom in the front hall closet.  She swept for a while and then said "all done" and propped the broom up on her school bag.  She is my little helper!
Ryan went to an air show with a friend and his son today so Ainsley and I had a girls day!  We went to church, had lunch, did some laundry, took a nap, and played.  We met some friends for dinner tonight.  All in all a great day.
Ainsley was sitting next to me while eating her goldfish crackers and juice this afternoon.  She has been very snuggly lately which we love.  She is also SUPER active--so we take the snuggles when we can get them!
Tonight after dinner we stopped by a local creamery because they close for the season tomorrow!  Ainsley got her own ice cream!  She learned the sign for "help" today, so after each bite she signed and said "help" because the ice cream was so hard she couldn't get it on her spoon.  She ate half of her ice cream!  She is a good eater!

Until next spring :)!


SLK said…
what a great idea - toy library!

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