New plan

Today we were scheduled for Ainsley sedated hearing test!  We were SO prepared!  Her bag was packed, comfy clothes on Ainsley and Ryan and I had taken the day off to care for her.
We arrived early and were ready to go! 
Little miss was a little hungry since she had to fast!
Fun games in the waiting area made the hunger go away!
After they checked Ainsley's vitals--they took us back to the consult room where they were going to give her the sedation before we went to the testing room.
When Dr. Smith checked her ears he found lots of fluid and no he said, we have room to do her surgery (tubes) tomorrow.  And that was that.  No need to do the sedated ABR since it would not give us accurate results.  
Ryan and I were a little shocked by this new plan--so we adjusted, went back to work today to get things in order, and are all packed and ready to go tomorrow.   Ainsley will have her tube surgery at in the morning and then they will keep her sedated to do the ABR hearing test if all goes well with the tube surgery.  We are hoping to have clear results by tomorrow afternoon.  We fed little miss a BIG snack tonight of peanut butter and bananas, cereal, and milk so hopefully she won't be too hungry tomorrow morning!


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