Ainsley's hearing testing--round 1

Our little miss Ainsley has failed 4 newborn hearing tests in one ear. They scheduled her for a sedated ABR test (auditory brain stem response test)--which we had on Monday.

Ryan and I talk to Ainsley all the time--and she responds wonderfully with smiles, giggles, talks back in her own language--so we had no worries about her passing the test with flying colors! Our biggest worry was the fasting she had to do 6 hrs before the test. How do you explain to a crying baby that you can't feed them?

On Monday we woke A up at 2:30 am, feed her a BIG bottle of milk and put her back to bed. We were to check in at the hospital at 9 am and we were SO pleased how happy she was without food! She barely fussed--and when she did we gave her the paci like her doctor recommended.

Here is Ainsley and Ryan in the room waiting for the doctors.

From 9-10 am they did vitals, checked her ear for fluid (came back okay) and explained the sedation. At 10:15 am they gave her the sedation--which she hated! She thought it was milk and soon realized it was not. It thankfully took affect within 10-15 min--the staff was great to help us calm her.

Here is Ainsley sleeping peacefully during the hour long test.

We got to stay with her during the test--and watched her vitals closely!

They monitored her heart rate and breathing during the test.

After the test was done the director of the hearing center came in and shared A has a minor hearing loss in both ears and we would need to have her fitted for hearing aids...hearing aids! We were shocked. It didn't really set in as she was explaining what the process would be and that we needed to get started right away because her speech could be delayed if we didn't have her fitted and all set by 6 months.

As A woke up--they moved us to another room to meet with another doctor who checked Ainsley's ears with a microscope and found fluid on her ears....he immediately changed the plan of action. Which is now--surgery next Tuesday 2/15 to put tubes in her ears and then wait a month and repeat the test. We are hoping the fluid that was on her ears during the test caused her to hear muffled sounds and fail the test.

We are going to stand by our little love and get a plan figured out with the doctors no matter what the outcome. As the director of the hearing center told us you can get sparkley, pink hearing aids which I'm sure Ainsley will love!


Cheri Smith said…
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Ryan and Ainsley! I am crossing my fingers for you all with good news coming your way. :)
Unknown said…
She's such a brave little girl! We will be praying for you all and for the doctors.

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