November, part I

Homecoming parade!

Ains had a slumber party the night before! These two have so much fun together!!

Getting some pretty plants!

OT fun!

After OT/PT Ains hangs out with me while I finish up my work :)! She is always SO hungry after her workouts!!

We had a free food event on campus in November and served 1500 students!

Mani/pedi before ear surgery!

We spent the night in Dallas before A’s surgery because her report time was 5:30 am!!

Checking out the trains at the hospital!!

Checked in and ready to roll!

Ains had an infection in her ear that was not viewable until they were underway with the surgery. Ains was fully sedated and intubated and once the surgeon began to cut into Ains outer ear to fix it he found the infection. He had to stop and start her on antibiotics-very strong ones. Come to find out she had an old remaining stitch that was causing the infection. We worked to heal her ear and then try the surgery again in December.

Our sweet friends brought us dinner the night of her surgery. She still had recovery for a day based on her sedation and then she was back to school!


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