Family trip

We are taking a brief family fall vacation since we didn’t get away this summer!!

Ains is missing school so she had some homework to catch up on!!

Someone is excited to fly to Disney!

We flew on Southwest and their crew did an amazing job! 

They sang a song on take off and landing and had us all laughing and clapping!

And they got us to Orlando safely!

Ainsley played some games on the plane!

Ryan took a nap and I read for class.

Orlando airport has fun Disney stores so we stopped to take some pictures:)!

We first checked into our hotel! We are staying at the wilderness lodge-we have a split stay so we only are here two nights!

It is so peaceful!

A campfire cupcake! We didn’t get this, but I thought it was too cute!

I’ve always wanted to visit Disney during fall!! I loved seeing all of the fall decorations!

We all took a nap and then we were ready for an adventure!

Off to Epcot for the night! Ains loves the Coke a Cola store! 

It was the Wine & Food Festival! It was packed, but the rides were open!!

We had an amazing dinner!

Then we rode rides!

Frozen ride!!

We then got a late night carmel treat!! Our favorite place!

This is my FAVE!

A full day from leaving the house at 4 am and getting to sleep in Orlando at 10:30 pm! A full but super fun day!


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