Doctor Day

Friday we left the house early at 5 am and drove to Dallas for Ainsley’s doctor’s apts.

Ainsley would not smile with me!

Ainsley’s ENT plastic surgeon just moved to a beautiful new speciality building.

Some cereal for breakfast:)!

Dancing time!

We decided to repeat the ear surgery on her left outer ear since the infection she got this summer undid the January surgery.

Repeating pictures for the insurance company.

Next up endocrinologist visit! We had to do some quick blood work!

Ainsley did amazing! So brave!

Rocked it!

Quick snack before next apt! 

Ainsley did great with all of her apts! Thyroid meds are working great! No change in meds!! Her growth chart looked great too!

A quick lunch before her last appointment.

Last appointment went well! Her ear drum surgeon said it was looking great and she was all cleared!! No more check ups on the ear drum as it should be good to go now that we are almost 10 months post surgery!

New legos for a brave day at the doctor!

We are going to Disney for a few days this month!! So excited to have a late summer vacation!

Ainsley ready for church! And has candy for anyone who knows their memory verse!

We are still loving Hello Fresh! Ainsley likes helping us cook!

Ains is having a birthday party with the girls in her class. She picked a fall/spooky/Halloween theme party!! We are so excited to get planning for her 8th birthday party


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