A full life

Life has been full to the brim lately! I’m going to try to catch up on my blogging before my fall classes start next week! I finished up my 3 summer doctoral classes and am very thankful I took the leap and went back to school!

I had a power writing weekend in July when Ains was in IL and Ryan was at a conference. My kitchen counter was my standing desk :)!

We were so excited to pick up Ains in Little Rock at the end of July! She had a great visit at grandparent camp!

We had some gifts for the car ride home! Harry Potter books and Pinkalicious!

Thankful for my dad and Vicki and Larry and Linda who all took great care of Ainsley! What fun memories!

I love that A enjoys reading!

I took this picture in July! Our sweet girl is growing up! What a difference 6 years makes!

The car ride home!

We had a few surprises for A when she got home!

A new big girl bike! We are working on balance and coordination and we thought it was time for a big girl bike!

My dad got A the new Harry Potter Legos-she loved them, thanks Dad!

She did this all by herself. She will ask for help centering the stickers, but she prefers to do the rest on her own.

My friend and her husband from grad school stopped by while they were visiting town! Angie and Jeff are such a fun and kind couple! It was great catching up with them and Ainsley loved that Jeff wanted to play chess!!

This sweet girl starts 2nd grade tomorrow!

And Baylor classes start today so life will continue to be full but good! I’ll try to keep up with blogging :)


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