Zoo & Ear troubles

We took Ains to the Dallas zoo this week after an ENT appointment. More on that later this week-we’ve had 2 doctors apts this week and a 3rd on Friday with her ENT surgeon. She has an infection in her surgery site in her ear and it has pushed her ear back to pre surgery location :(. She’s not in much pain so she wanted to visit the zoo after her doctors appointment.

Ains loves a good map. She called herself the captain and insisted we follow her :)!

It was HOT! We only stayed 2 hours from 9-11 am. We had an 8 am with her doctor and had to leave the house at 5 am so we were exhausted!!

Happy girl!

Snow cone!!

A fun day after an unexpected complication with A’s surgery site. We’ll know more about next steps on Friday afternoon when we meet with her ENT surgeon.  Praying for continued healing for our sweet girl!


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