Father’s Day Interview
Happy Father's Day to 3 great dads--Ryan, Bob & Larry! I asked Ainsley some "interview" questions about her dad and Papas! |
Favorite food: Ryan: ribs Larry: cherry lime aid Bob: popcorn |
Favorite color: Ryan: red Bob: green Larry: blue |
Favorite thing to do with her dad or Papas: Ryan: watch movies Larry: go to the museum Bob: ride the tractor |
If you could make your dad or Papa's an animal for a day, what would you turn them in to: Ryan: lion Larry: mountain lion Bob: Meerkat |
How old is.... (I'm not verifying these, this is the age according to Ainsley): Ryan: 40 Bob: 70 Larry: 67 |
What does your dad or Papas know SO well they could teach people about: Ryan: Math Bob: He could teach people how to farm Larry: repair phones |
If you could plan a vacation for your dad or your Papas where would you send them for fun: Ryan: Mt. Everest Bob: China Larry: Hawaii |