Life Lately

Life for two student affairs folks at this time of year is CRAzy!! Ainsley had a "girls night" with me tonight which was Chick-fil-a in my office and she watched Netflix while I worked. She loved it!! And I got so much done-we are likely going to repeat that girls night again soon-so much to do!

My dad sent Ainsleythese great school supplies! Thanks dad!!

We went to Austin several weekends ago! It was a good fun get-a-way!!

Target run!

No Ains, we don't need a taco piƱata!

Ainsley took my phone when we were house hunting!

Steel City pops!

Working late with mom!

Helping dad clean the play set!

School supply shopping!

Haircut! With a fun pink stripe that lasted one day!

Ryan brought me cupcakes at work for my birthday!

Physical therapy!

She loves it!

Ainsley did a hearing class at Baylor in July! They made her this sweet book!

New physical therapy fun at home!

Have a great week!


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