
Ainsley has been SO excited to decorate for Christmas!!
She wore this outfit to school last week!
With Christmas socks!
Ains trying on her NYC outfit!
Little miss helped me decorate this year! We've had this tree since we were married-16 years! Ryan wanted to buy a new tree this year-but this one has good memories!
We were so thankful to be able to talk with our family by phone and FaceTime today! It was fun to share with our small family about all of the things we are thankful heart is full! 
Splashes of winter in Texas!
Last weekend after church we got a few pictures for our Christmas card. Ains took this-she wanted us to make silly faces...she was very persistent so I make a face for her!
Sweet girl!
Ainsley helped Ryan with the outdoor lights!
Ready for the Christmas season!


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