Seeking hope in Iowa
We are returning to UIHC because that is where our sweet girl came into this world. |
They cared deeply for Ainsley for 3.5 years before we moved to Texas. |
Ainsley's first set of tubes (February 15, 2011) at UIHC when she was just 4 months old. |
We are praying that Dr. Smith and his hearing group will help us to figure out what may be causing the progressive loss so we can be able to provide for what Ainsley may need moving forward. |
This was another tube surgery--SO cute in her gown. We will start the day with a hearing test. |
We'll then see Ainsley's wonderful audiologist--Dr. Shea. Ainsley is SO excited to see her! How we've missed her! |
This is an audio chart. Ainsley's left ear is in the 50s now--so she can't hear anything above the 50 db line without hear hearing aids. The right ear thankfully is just at a 30-40 db loss. |