
Little miss getting ready for school today!

Ainsley got lots of goodies from her school friends!
Ainsley took goldfish to her school friends!
Happy Birthday to my dad!  His birthday was on Valentine's Day!  Ainsley loves to talk to Papa Bob on FaceTime!
Ainsley also loves her Monday night date night with her daddy.  I teach Monday nights, so Ainsley and Ryan go to dinner together and have some daddy/daughter time!  This week they went out for tacos!
We are getting ready for the next holiday!  
I got a new basket for Ainsley's books--she loves us to read to her,  so I got this cute pink basket for her board books.   
I made a new wreath for St. Patricks day!
I also organized Ainsley's reading nook--time to read!


Angie said…
you are so organized! I haven't even thought about taking down my vday stuff! I love the pictures of Ainsley in her smurfette shirt and the goldfish that you gave out are adorable!

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