There will be a celebration...
Ainsley had a rough day at daycare yesterday--trouble going down for her naps. I just texted her teacher to see how today was going and she shared Ainsley went down great for her first nap without her helmet and she noticed red marks when they took off the helmet. We've noticed this recently to. I immediately called her helmet doctor and got her an appointment for Monday and they shared to keep if off of Ains until they can adjust it. Her teacher texted this picture back and then shared she'd take the helmet right off and Ainsley would enjoy playing with her hair--so true!! She loves helmet free time and she'll have a helmet free weekend too! We are traveling to IL to see the family this weekend--so perfect timing!
There WILL be a celebration when our sweet girl is DONE with this hot, heavy helmet! I'm thankful that we have it to help re-shape her head, but not thankful for the struggles she had to endure with it!
There WILL be a celebration when our sweet girl is DONE with this hot, heavy helmet! I'm thankful that we have it to help re-shape her head, but not thankful for the struggles she had to endure with it!