I love the 80s
Ainsley in her 80s shirt. We thought a retro day was in order today!
Here is Ainsley at her well-baby check-up yesterday. She got a great report from her doctor. Her doctor thought her head was looking much better!! We were thrilled with the great news! A also had to do a blood test for her endro doctor at the end of the month. We tried the numbing cream before we went to the lab. We realized it didn't help much because they still put on the blue band before the take blood, so I don't know if we'll do it again. She seemed to do better with out it--our motto with blood work for A is get in and get out quick because she recovers quickly. Good news--her blood work came back yesterday while we were at the doctor and she said it looked GREAT, the meds are working for her thyroid!
Here is Ainsley at her well-baby check-up yesterday. She got a great report from her doctor. Her doctor thought her head was looking much better!! We were thrilled with the great news! A also had to do a blood test for her endro doctor at the end of the month. We tried the numbing cream before we went to the lab. We realized it didn't help much because they still put on the blue band before the take blood, so I don't know if we'll do it again. She seemed to do better with out it--our motto with blood work for A is get in and get out quick because she recovers quickly. Good news--her blood work came back yesterday while we were at the doctor and she said it looked GREAT, the meds are working for her thyroid!