Happy Father's Day!

Ainsley wants to wish her daddy a Happy Father's Day--she loves playing with daddy! He can always make her laugh!

I knew when I married Ryan that he would one day make a great dad. One thing that I love about him is how he has been Ainsley's strong support through all of her medical challenges.

Happy Father's Day to my dad--Bob!

Happy Father's Day to Ryan's dad--Larry!

Weekend fun--Love that smile!

We went to the farmer's market on Saturday morning with our neighbors--here is Ainsley on the drive. She loves these rings!

Her new capris--aren't these cute?

After the farmers market we went out for lunch and our sweet waitress brought some goodies for Ainsley to teeth on--she loved the cold orange slices and carrots!

Our girl has some strong legs!

Taking a break after some play time!


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