Day in the life of Ainsley today...
It is hard to believe our little girl will be 6 months next week! She is growing up SO fast!
A typical day for Ainsley includes...
Lots of smiles!
Having fun with her daddy--anytime she sees Ryan she just lights up!
She enjoys being read too--here is a new book stand from her Papa Bob! I just love the colors and it reminds me to read to Ainsley! Ainsley's Gramie Cohenour has been saving books for her even before she was born!
She loves to practice standing up!
Is starting to want to sit up!
I'm so proud to be her mama!
I thought blogger was extremely slow--it normally takes me 3-5 min to up-load each photo--then Ryan informed me is was our old computer (which is 5 years old). In the time I worked on this post--I also made dinner, washed dishes and unloaded the dishwasher...while stopping back by the computer to up-load another photo...guess it is time for a new computer, Ry will be thrilled!
A typical day for Ainsley includes...
Lots of smiles!
Having fun with her daddy--anytime she sees Ryan she just lights up!
She enjoys being read too--here is a new book stand from her Papa Bob! I just love the colors and it reminds me to read to Ainsley! Ainsley's Gramie Cohenour has been saving books for her even before she was born!
She loves to practice standing up!
Is starting to want to sit up!
I'm so proud to be her mama!
I thought blogger was extremely slow--it normally takes me 3-5 min to up-load each photo--then Ryan informed me is was our old computer (which is 5 years old). In the time I worked on this post--I also made dinner, washed dishes and unloaded the dishwasher...while stopping back by the computer to up-load another photo...guess it is time for a new computer, Ry will be thrilled!