GREAT news...finally!

Tuesday was a long day...after Ainsley's tube surgery in the morning, I went back to the hospital that afternoon to have another CT scan to check on my blood clot and hematoma. As I was driving to the hospital I began thinking, what will I do if the news is bad--more clots, no change, etc. That is what I have been preparing for.

I took this picture of me in the waiting room area as I was drinking the contrast solution (purple--looks like koolaid, but has a totally different taste)! I was thrilled that they gave me hospital pajama bottoms instead of a hospital robe--it is the small things that make me happy!

I hadn't heard from my doctor since the Tuesday test--so again, I just kept taking my meds and was prepared to continue on this course for another 3 months if no change.

Got a call from my doctor this morning and she said very enthusiastically--the blot clot is gone! GONE--not a trace of it left which is amazing! Also, my body reabsorbed the hematoma--which she was thrilled about!!

That more medical alert bracelet or meds (I can stop those today)!! I am going to find a pretty bracelet to replace it and to celebrate this great news!


Angie said…
Yes!! I am SO happy for you that is wonderful news!!
Unknown said…
PRAISE GOD!!!!!! I am so thrilled for you. He is faithful. This will be another one of those moments that you look back on and say.."See God brought me through this trial, He will see us through to the end of the race." Awesome news, girl!
Unknown said…
that last comment was actually from me...
-Misty dozier
Michelle said…
Thanks Misty & Angie--love you both!

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