Welcome Ainsley!
Well--the Cohenour's are finally all under one roof again! Our precious daughter, Ainsley Allison Cohenour, was born on October 9th! Two days after we were released from the hospital after her birth I ended up back in the hospital for four days with two separate pregnancy complications and needed surgery and monitoring for high blood pressure. I am happy to say we are all home now and enjoying time together!
Here are some pictures of our little girl!
Our first family trip to DQ--we went last Tuesday night!
Leaving the hospital with dad!
Some of the student leaders that we work with got Ainsley a highchair--so we took this photo to thank them!
One of her favorite activities--sleeping!
Here she is dressed up for one of our outings!
Ainsley with Ryan's parents--Linda & Larry. They were a huge help for us when I had to be hospitalized again. They came up right away to take care of our baby girl.
We are so thankful for her!
Here are some pictures of our little girl!
Our first family trip to DQ--we went last Tuesday night!
Leaving the hospital with dad!
Some of the student leaders that we work with got Ainsley a highchair--so we took this photo to thank them!
One of her favorite activities--sleeping!
Here she is dressed up for one of our outings!
Ainsley with Ryan's parents--Linda & Larry. They were a huge help for us when I had to be hospitalized again. They came up right away to take care of our baby girl.
We are so thankful for her!