Introducing Ainsley Allison

Hi! This is Angie, Michelle's sister. Michelle asked me to update her blog because she and Ryan are at the hospital! Michelle had baby Ainsley yesterday!! Michelle was in labor for 40 hours! She was a trooper and baby Ainsley was FINALLY born at 12:37am on October 9. She wanted me to put up a few pictures of baby Ainsley. She is SO cute! These were taken with Michelle's iphone. I am sure in the days and weeks ahead she will be posting a ton of pictures but here are a few for now.

Ainsley Allison weighed 7 lbs and 9 ounces and was born at 12:37 am on October 9

Michelle, Ryan and Ainsley will be coming home from the hospital tomorrow! I talked to Michelle tonight and they are ready to come home! When they get home and get settled Michelle will update with more pictures.


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