Making a difference one student at a time...

One of the main objectives of my new job at Iowa was to create a tutoring program for our 5,500 residential students. The tutoring program started in September 2008 and this week I am making the rounds to all 3 tutoring sites to evaluate the tutors and the overall program. This makes for a LONG week of late nights...the centers are open 8-10 pm (Sun-Thur)---but tonight it was all worth it! As I was observing one of the tutoring centers tonight and watching my four tutors each work with individual or small groups of students it hit me...if this service didn't exist, where would these students find the help they were looking for? As I listened and watched my tutors explain Chemistry II concepts, proof a paper, explain Calc for Business and Biology II problems I realized what an impact they are having on student's lives! Each of the tutors in their own way were helping to guide the students to a greater understanding of the material and had an open conversation about up-coming exams, quizzes, etc. It was very encouraging to see a program go from a concept on paper this summer when I was hired to a vibrant tutoring center with students seeking academic help!


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