Summer cleaning

Little miss has been running circles around us lately--she has SO much energy!

Friday I took a vacation day and did some "summer" cleaning. I realized I had wanted to take a few days this summer to get our house in order and it was almost July and I had been so busy at work I hadn't taken time off.   I spent 4 hours on Friday cleaning the house and doing laundry and about 2 hours on bills and home paperwork.  It made my heart happy to have everything in remained in order until that night when A & Ryan got home :)!  
Our poor washer and dryer got a workout on Friday!
We are teaching Ains how to do the stairs on her own. She is practicing at PT during the week and at home on the weekends, we are getting close!
Ainsley likes to say "cheese" when we take her picture, what a ham!
She puts out her tongue when she is REALLY focused!
Happy Weekend!


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